Velcan Holdings: Notice Of Extraordinary Notarized General Meeting on 8th August 2019 July 1st, 2019|
Velcan Holdings: Convocation de l’assemblée générale annuelle mixte et extraordinaire le 28 juin 2019 May 27th, 2019|
Velcan Holdings: Notice of Annual and Extraordinary General Meeting on 28th June 2019 May 27th, 2019|
Velcan Holdings : Achèvement du programme de rachat d’actions lancé le 13 septembre 2018 et annulation des actions rachetées May 16th, 2019|
Velcan Holdings: Completion of the Share Buyback Programme Launched on 13 September 2018 and Cancellation of the Purchased Shares May 16th, 2019|
Velcan Holdings : Extension des délais de la procédure d’acquisition des terres pour les projets hydroélectriques indiens April 8th, 2019|
Velcan Holdings: Extension of time for the land acquisition procedure of the Indian hydropower projects April 8th, 2019|
Velcan Holdings : Publication de comptes consolidés condensés et non-audités a partir de l’exercice 2018 inclus January 18th, 2019|